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Taught master's funding

There are a number of potential sources of funding available to some students aiming to undertake a taught master's course in the history of science, technology and medicine.

Please note that studentships for master's-level study, particularly from national funders, are increasingly only aimed at potential research (PhD) students. The application process for a 'research preparation' studentship may require a fairly detailed research plan to be developed in consultation with potential research supervisors at CHSTM. We are happy to help with this process, but can only do so for candidates genuinely aiming to go on to PhD work.

Some external funding schemes require the application to be submitted via CHSTM, rather than directly by the potential student. Together with drafting and discussion of personal statements and (where appropriate) research proposals, this process can take several weeks. You should therefore discuss any potential funding application well in advance of submission deadlines with the relevant Programme Director in the first instance.

In all cases, please check the relevant external websites for definitive details of awards, eligibility criteria for applicants, and submission deadlines. Please note that competition is intense for all studentships, and a very strong performance at undergraduate level is required.

Explore funding options

Competitive bursaries available for 2025-2026 MSc Science and Health Communication students

This year we are offering two part-bursaries for incoming MSc Science and Health Communication students.

One bursary of £1000 will be awarded to an applicant who qualifies for ‘Home’ tuition status. Applicants must hold an offer for 2025-2026 admission to the programme and must submit their application for this bursary by Monday, 30 June 2025. This bursary is open to part-time and full-time students joining the course in 2025-2026.

The other bursary, of £2500, will be awarded to an applicant qualifying for ‘Overseas’ tuition status. Applicants for this bursary must hold an offer for 2025-2026 admission to the programme and must submit their application for this bursary by Monday, 2 June 2025.

Those who have been given full studentships by other funding sources will not be eligible for these bursaries.

To apply, please submit an up-to-date CV and a statement, of up to 500 words, describing your interest in science and/or health communication, your previous experience related to these fields, and your aspirations after completing your degree at Manchester.

You should include in this statement details about any other funding you are seeking or have received and indicate how receiving this part-bursary would support your education.

Applications (and any questions) should be sent to the Programme Director, Bursary applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application two weeks after the deadline.

Local funding

Local funding is currently not available.

Funding for UK and European Union students

Postgraduate loans

Government postgraduate loans of up to £10,000 are available for students aged 60 or under from the UK, if ordinarily resident in England, or from other parts of the UK. Part-time students are eligible. For the latest details, please see the Postgraduate Loan Scheme page on the main University website.

North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership

The Economic and Social Research Council similarly offers a small number of awards for research-focused students via the North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership.

Master's training is offered only on a 1+3 basis (i.e. for an master's year followed by a three-year PhD programme, or part-time equivalents). Students seeking a research focus in economic or social history, science and technology studies, or innovation studies may be eligible. UK applicants are eligible for fees plus stipend awards.

Society bursaries

The British Society for the History of Science has in previous years offered Master's Degree Bursaries of up to £4,000 to support the living expenses of those accepted for taught master's courses in History of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Other learned societies such as the Society for Social History of Medicine, the Economic History Society and the Royal Historical Association also offer grants and/or bursaries to those already enrolled on courses to help support research, travel or other expenses.

Professional and Career Development Loans

Some students, particularly those on the MA Science Communication course with relevant career plans, may qualify for the Professional and Career Development Loans offered by various banks. See the website for more information.

Alternative funding schemes

Self-funding students may be eligible for support from charitable trusts or other agencies on a national or local basis. More information is available from the main University webpage on alternative funding schemes.

Another alternative option is to combine part-time paid work with part-time study on the master's course over two years. It's possible to do this with a restricted number of days on campus. Please talk to the Programme Director for further information.

Funding for Non-UK students

Chevening Scholarships

Non-UK students are eligible to apply for the competitive Chevening Scholarships supported by the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Potential applicants should also contact their local British Council office for information and advice about funding opportunities.

Other funding options

Non-UK students are also encouraged to investigate funding options through national or other agencies in their own countries, as many will offer study abroad opportunities (eg Marshall Scholarships or Fulbright Scholarships for US citizens).

Further information, including a database of funding opportunities, is provided on the main University website.