Science, technology and medicine are among the most significant and influential forms of knowledge and practice in modern society.
Understanding how they have influenced society, how society has shaped their development, and how they have been and are being communicated is an exciting and rewarding task.
The history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) combines science subjects with and arts and humanities methods, and allows the exploration of historical questions that are of crucial relevance to understanding modern societies. Issues that we explore in our teaching include climate change, GM food, forensic science, psychiatric treatment, globalisation, atomic energy, computers and many more.
Career options
Studying HSTM and science communication develops an excellent balance of abilities, combining scientific literacy with skills traditionally associated with degrees in the arts and social sciences.
This opens a wide range of career possibilities, qualifying students for a range of managerial and research-oriented professions associated with science, technology and medicine, including roles in environmental agencies, health service and science administration, and technical publishing.