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Get in touch with members of staff or find out more about their research interests, teaching responsibilities, publications and other activities by clicking on the names in the list below. Please note that we have no access to our telephones or mailboxes while the university buildings are closed. Please use email or other electronic means of communication to contact us.


Administrative Support

Academic staff

  • Dr Adedamola Adetiba
    Welllcome Trust Early Career Fellow
    Antibiotics in Nigeria since the 1950s
  • Dr Amelia Bonea
    Lecturer in Global History of Science, Technology and Medicine
  • Professor Ian Burney
    Professor of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
    CHSTM Exams Officer
  • Dr Neil Pemberton
    Wellcome Trust University Award Holder in Disability History
    Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (job share), School of Medical Sciences
  • Dr Meng Zhang
    Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in the History of Medicine
    The Rise of Mask-Wearing in Republican China: Colonialism, Epidemics, and Issues of Governance (1912-1949)

Emeritus and Honorary

  • Dr Camille Bellet
    Honorary Research Fellow
  • Professor Pratik Chakrabarti
    Honorary Professor
  • Professor Jonathan Harwood
    Emeritus Professor
  • Dr Rebecca Whiteley
    Honorary Research Fellow

You can also find a full list of CHSTM researchers, including contact details and information on research interests, publications, teaching responsibilities and other activities in the University's Research Explorer.