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Since our inception in 1986, CHSTM has been unique in the UK for our emphasis on approaching the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) as an integrated field of study, and for our focus on recent and contemporary HSTM.

In recent years, and in response to disciplinary and funding developments, we have extended our research, teaching and engagement activities into science communication, ethics and society, history/policy interaction, and the medical humanities. 

We support the University's aims of:

  • promoting cross-disciplinary research and teaching that transcends subject/discipline boundaries;
  • developing partnerships with leading international groups;
  • addressing major global and social problems through research, teaching and engagement.

HSTM is by its very nature interdisciplinary and our work across the University and with external collaborators exploits this defining characteristic of the field. However, we are unique in our strength in recent and contemporary history, and linkages to science communication and policy.

Current and recent research grants

A core feature of our success has been our strong track record in winning external funding. We have a uniquely successful record in gaining Wellcome funding and have broadened this base with recent and current AHRC, ESRC, ERC and Leverhulme awards.

Current grants include

Recent grants include

  • Heritage Lottery Fund: From Cradle to Grave: The NHS at 70
  • Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award: (with the Universities of Exeter, Oxford, Nottingham, Southampton): The Animal Research Nexus: Changing Constitutions of Science, Health and Welfare
  • European Consortium H2020 (coordinated by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, with 14 European partners): InsSciDE – Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe
  • Wellcome Trust Investigator Award: Multispecies Medicine
  • Wellcome Trust University Award: Quality of Care from Cradle to Grave
  • Wellcome Trust University Award: Species Loss and the Ecology of Human-Animal Health: Understanding and Preventing Extinction in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
  • AHRC (with the University of Birmingham): Soviet Climate Science and its Intellectual Legacies
  • AHRC Early Career Research Fellowship: (with the University of East Anglia): Demons of the Mind
  • Newton International Fellowship: Metastatic Breast Cancer: Towards a Chronic Condition?